
Wearable Technology - How To Wear Your Internet - rodriguescaptungthe

This clause is a guest post and the author's views are completely his or her own. It Crataegus laevigata or whitethorn not ponder trendblog's point of view.

As Google weekly reveals more insights about their Project Glass (yes I also desire to have one) and the promulgation of their try out with Adidas for a talking skid at the SXSW festival, a brand-new digital chapter can be added to the digital geological era; Clothing net.

Naturally Apple and Nike were the 'gear' pioneers with their in Nike+ project. Talking shoes and virtual eyeglasses are of a total different order though, giving crying feedback to its user (voice-possessed) and combining all kinds of activities with in question information the internet backside offer us.

Like Google, Apple and Microsoft seem to follow the duplicate path looking at some of their latest innovative projects. Apple is reported to release an "iWatch" and Microsoft announced a wrist-worn gloveless sensor, combining projection of MS Surface and scanning deal-gestures to see to it it.

It seems it's just a matter of time before we will combine the shoes, the watch, the sensors and the glasses to rich person a full wearable internet experience. Combine tech wearables with a mind controlled headset and you are ready to go!

Chances For Online Marketing

For marketers this will wreak with child young possibilities. They will be able to use the physical environment of a user, targeting prospects in the right context with the perfect offer. It is unclear how marketers will personify able to have their PPC ads linked to a circumstantial energetic place, merely this seems just a matter of time.

Opine looking at a edifice, seeing who the architect was and with a blink of your eye directly call to make an appointment for your new office. Surgery buying stocks of a company merely by looking at their home office? With a heed controlled headset engaged to Google Glass it should be possible to one of these days face, think about the product and immediately croak to a website or virtual infinite to have more information about information technology. Would this then be considered as a paid click?

This is unknown territory for performance based marketing.  The future will tell what kind of business model suits best here. Peradventur PPT (Pay per Thought) would healthy?

Expanding The Make Eco Organisation

If we look at the brand eco-system from Forrester, dealings sources can exist divided in paid, earned and owned media (moving from paid at the open-air, via attained to closely-held at the core of this model), we can today add the natural science space. The elements of the model will project information when the exploiter is at a certain place at a certain moment in meter.

brand ecosystem forrester research

Staying Forrade With Big Data

The amount of information created away this model is large. Staying in the lead of your competitors asks for a thorough analysis of the deepened data by qualification the right choices where and what to look at.  It is nobelium surprisal that the professing of online marketers is moving towards that of a data analyst.

Having said that it does not mean that Performance Based marketing is purely data impelled; still the creative and groundbreaking factor is of the utmost grandness. Living in a world where the internet is constantly about us feeding us with data it is difficult to jump out.  Marketing clutter already is a major problem, Eastern Samoa IT is decorous increasingly serious to be noticed at every.

Redefining Privacy

An article about Google Glass concealment issued in the Guardian brings the give-and-take of redefining privateness back to the table. Of course we need to keep in mind who is observance United States of America and what's happing with our own created data. On the new hired man these bailiwick developments cannot be stopped as hanker as at that place is a commercial demand for information technology and it enhances the online see.

About the writer: Vincent Roders is an Online Marketing Strategian &ere; E-commerce manager at Robeco Retail, The Nederland. Written material on personal behalf.

Image past Tedeytan


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